Syslog is a service for centralizing event logs on a computer system that can be found on all Unix systems. A local server listens to connections on which clients can send log messages.
In the etc/temma.php configuration file, add the \Temma\LogManagers\Syslog object to the logManager directive.
Here is a configuration example:
return [
'application' => [
'logManager' => '\Temma\LogManagers\Syslog'
By default, messages are written using the LOG_USER facility.
If you wish to use one of the “local” facilities, you must create an x-syslog extended
configuration, with the facility key which can take as value a facility LOG_LOCAL0 to LOG_LOCAL7.
For example:
return [
'application' => [
'logManager' => '\Temma\LogManagers\Syslog'
'x-syslog' => [
'facility' => 'LOG_LOCAL0'