Template attribute


The \Temma\Attributes\Template attribute defines the path to the template file to be used for a controller or action.


The attribute offers two parameters:

  • $template: (null|string) Path to the template file to be used.

    Equivalent to the _template() method on controllers.

    This parameter can be explicitly set to null, in which case the default value (controller/action.tpl) is used.

  • $prefix: (null|string) Prefix to be added to the template path to be used.

    Equivalent to the _templatePrefix() method on controllers.

    This parameter can be explicitly set to null, in which case the template prefix will be reset.


To ensure that all controller actions use the same template:

use \Temma\Attributes\Teamplte as TµTemplate;

class MyController extends \Temma\Web\Controller {
    // ...

For a specific action to use the defined template:

use \Temma\Attributes\Template as TµTemplate;

class MyController extends \Temma\Web\Controller {
    public function myAction() {
        // ...

To add a prefix to templates for all controller actions :

use \Temma\Attributes\Template as TµTemplate;

#[TµTemplate(prefix: 'special')]
class MyController extends \Temma\Web\Controller {
    // use the template "special/myController/myAction.tpl"
    public function myAction() {
        // ...

    // use the template "special/index.tpl"
    public function action2() {
        // ...

    // use the template "myController/action3.tpl"
    #[TµTemplate(prefix: null)]
    public function action3() {
        // ...