Text helper
Helper offering several methods of handling character strings.
Converts text into a string that can be used as a file name.
Method signature:
filenamize(string $filename, bool $hyphenSpaces=true, bool $lowercase=true) : string
- $filename: Text to convert.
- $hyphenSpaces: true to replace spaces with dashes.
- $lowercase: true to make text all lowercase.
Return value: The file name.
Converts text so that it can be used in a URL.
Method signature:
urlize(?string $txt, bool $avoidUnderscores=true) : string
- $txt: Text to convert.
- $avoidUnderscores: true to replace underscores with dashes.
Return value: The converted text.
This method checks whether an HTML feed is syntactically correct.
Method signature:
isValidHtmlSyntax(string $html) : bool
Parameter: The HTML stream to be validated.
Return value: true if the HTML stream is valid, false otherwise.
This method transforms an HTML stream into plain text.
Method signature:
htmlToText(string $html, bool $cleanup=false) : string
- $html: HTML stream to convert.
- $cleanup: true to remove the content of <blockquote>, <pre> and <code> tags.
Return value: Plain text generated from HTML.
This method indicates whether a character string encoded in UTF-8 contains only characters compatible with the encoding supplied as a parameter.
Method signature:
encodingCompatible(string $text, string $encoding) : bool
- $text: The text to analyze.
- $encoding: The encoding to use.
Return value: Return value : True if the text contains only characters compatible with the character encoding supplied in parameter.